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Yadhu's Blog

Towards Cyber Security

I started learning Information Security at 17, that was when my Computer Science teacher forced me to enroll for a CTF competition. CTF.. Huh? That was the first time I ever heard “CTF”. I never knew that it would change my life. The CTF called “InCTF” was organized by team bi0s. (Yeah, that’s India’s No. 1 CTF team and the team that I’m in.)

We were given online training sessions and mock-up challenges. Luckily, I was selected for the final onsite event that happened at Amritapuri in December 2018. I wish I knew Amritapuri will be the place where the next 4 years of my life would be spent. Few of my classmates also attended the mock-up round but they dropped it in between. I too never wanted to attend the event. I was impelled to the event only because of my teacher. I gave up my December vacation and prepared for it.

We had sessions from all categories (Web Exploitation, Pwn, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, Forensics) which were conducted by members of bi0s itself. They were quite interesting and informative. That’s when I decided to fix cyber security as my future career. The CTF was scheduled on the last day. I could perform well and I achieved 10th position in the CTF, the first time when I realized that I had a taste of cyber security. The CTF was over and I met Mr.Vipin Pavithran, the mentor of team bi0s. He asked me to join bi0s, if I’m interested.

An entire schooling at Amrita Vidyalayam made me confident enough to choose Amrita University for higher studies for I knew the quality of education that was given to us.

I attribute the entire credit of my mould to my Gurus. They have enriched me in means beyond measure. I heartfeltly thank each one of them.

“A true teacher would never tell you what to do. But he would give you the knowledge with which you could decide what would be best for you to do.”

Thank you for reading !